This week's featured artist is Trixie Fishstabber Productions!
Trixie Fishstabber Productions - A whimsical underworld.
Senioritis: Name and location please.
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Sandra Ford, and right now I am living in a log cabin in a historical, wildly overgrown orchard; and there is this big, fast creek down the steps that drains into a reservoir which feeds into the Snake River that flows north through Hell's Canyon. It is pretty inspiring and I consider everyday a gift to be here.
Senioritis: Wow, that sounds very cool Sandra; do you have any room for visitors ;)
Senioritis: Can you tell us a little about yourself Sandra?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Self Taught and right handed. Published illustrator at large and re-focused after a brief (17 year) hiatus from the art universe. Hmmm, that is pretty brief!
Senioritis: That is a pretty brief bio, it would even fit into a tweet! We're glad to see that you've returned to the art universe after your brief hiatus.
Senioritis: Marlon Brando: Streetcar Named Desire or the Godfather?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Streetcar Named Desire

Senioritis: How would you describe your style Sandra?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Pop Surrealism, Lowbrow, Underground, Expressionist.
Senioritis: What would you say is the best business tip you have ever received and who gave it to you?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: 'Go for it knowing whatever happens, you gave it everything you had.' My hero, Ed told me that many years ago.
Senioritis: Great tip. We think one of the worst feelings is looking back and saying 'What if...?' Give it your best and leave nothing on the table; we like Ed's style!

Senioritis: What would you say is your favorite sport to either watch or play Sandra?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Fencing.
Senioritis: Very interesting, several of our featured artists are into fencing. We're going to have to look into the link between creatives and swordplay ;)
Senioritis: Chevy Chase: Fletch or Three Amigos
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: I haven't seen either.
Senioritis: Is there a different Chevy Chase film that you prefer?
Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote Sandra?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: 'Imagination rules the world.' Napoleon Bonaparte
Senioritis: Hmm, even the Great Emperor knew that imagination is more important than knowledge!

Senioritis: If you could jump in the DeLorean and go back in time; what’s one thing you would do differently in your business?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: I would not have put my pencils down for 17 years. Putting in your time as an artist is what makes you better, in my opinion. I've got some catching up to do.
Senioritis: Hopefully pencil skills are like riding a bike and they'll come back to you very quickly! We're still riding with our training wheels on but the more we draw and create the more comfortable we become ;)
Senioritis: If the $100 bill needed a redesign, who would you put on it?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Edward Abbey for writing Hayduke Lives!
Senioritis: Looks like Mr. Abbey was sporting a pretty solid beard; we think a portrait of him would look wonderful on a $100 bill.
Senioritis: Where can we find you on the web Sandra?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: I've got my Etsy store here: trixiefishstabber.etsy.com
I work really hard to make my blog interesting here: trixiefishstabber.blogspot.com
One of my favorite inspirational blogs:animalarium
And a website that interests the weirdo in me: crappytaxidermy.com

Senioritis: James Bond: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: Daniel Craig
Senioritis: Another tally for Mr. Craig!
Senioritis: Any shoutouts?
Trixie Fishstabber Productions: A big thanks to everyone in forums who help people like me figure things out. My son for being so courageous. And Ed, for being from West Virginia.
Sandra, thanks so much for taking the time to share a bit about the artist and inspiration behind Trixie Fishstabber Productions!

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