This week's featured artist is Autumn Rain Creations!
Autumn Rain Creations - Live, Love, Create.
Senioritis: Name and location please.
Autumn Rain Creations: April Dostert, Oregon, USA
Senioritis: Hey April!
Senioritis: Can you tell us a little about yourself April?
Autumn Rain Creations: I have been married to my hubby for 21 years and have been a fulltime Mommy for 18 years to 7 beautiful and amazing children. I create things, love nature, and love photography; it is just part of my life. Autumn Rain Creations is my outlet and my business.
Senioritis: That's awesome, we're sure that all your kids keep you pretty busy April :) Do your kids like to create or are they into other stuff?
Senioritis: Marlon Brando: Streetcar Named Desire or the Godfather?
Autumn Rain Creations: Streetcar Named Desire.

Senioritis: How would you describe your style to someone who has never seen your work, April?
Autumn Rain Creations: Soft, colorful, expressive, real.
Senioritis: Absolutely, we definitely see your work being all these things!
Senioritis: April, what would you say is the best business tip you have ever received and who gave it to you?
Autumn Rain Creations: Don't mold yourself into what others want just to make money. Follow your heart and work hard, success will come. I received this tip from a few Etsy Artists.
Senioritis: Great tip indeed! We've always tried to create designs that we enjoy first and foremost. Some people will like our work, some people won't, either way that's cool ;)

Senioritis: What would you say is your favorite sport to either watch or play April?
Autumn Rain Creations: My favorite sport to watch is football, my favorite sport to play would be tennis.
Senioritis: American football or World Cup football? I've always wanted to play tennis on a clay court just to see what it's like ;)
Senioritis: Chevy Chase: Fletch or Three Amigos
Autumn Rain Creations: Fletch.
Senioritis: Excelente!
Senioritis: Do you have a favorite quote April?
Autumn Rain Creations: "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." ~ Author unknown.

Senioritis: If you could jump in the DeLorean and go back in time; what’s one thing you would do differently in your business?
Autumn Rain Creations: I would have been more organized from the get go, being organized makes more time for creating.
Senioritis: Great point April, when our work area and various projects are organized it's much easier for us to focus on creating.
Senioritis: If the $100 bill needed a redesign, who would you put on it?
Autumn Rain Creations: That would be Steve Martin. Life is too serious, we all need to laugh more :)
Senioritis: Steve Martin, excellent choice. Steve Martin with a big nose like he had in the movie Roxanne would probably help us all laugh a bit more ;)
Senioritis: April, where can we find you on the web?
Autumn Rain Creations: AutumnRainCreations.etsy.com, my blog, my facebook fan page and coming soon Autumn Rain Creations.

Senioritis: James Bond: Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig?
Autumn Rain Creations: Sean Connery.
Senioritis: How can you go wrong with Connery?
Senioritis: Any shoutouts April?
Autumn Rain Creations: To my awesome hubby who doesn't demand that I get out there, leave the kids in daycare, make me forget my ambition, and get an 8 to 5 job. To my sweets as well, all 7 of them; they make me who I am. I know mush mush but that's me :)
April, thanks a bunch for sharing a few minutes with us and letting our readers know a bit more about the artist behind Autumn Rain Creations. Keep up the great work!